Garcia Pimienta plans ‘a new project, loyal to our style’ for Barcelona B

Barcelona B coach Xavi García Pimienta has given his verdict after watching his team relegated following a draw with Albacete on Sunday night.
Garcia Pimienta has only been in charge a matter of weeks since replacing Gerard Lopez, but he wasn’t able to prevent the team from dropping out of the second division.
He will remain in charge of the team and has posted a message on Twitter explaining his plans for next season.
Ho hem lluitat fins el final, però no ha pogut ser... L’any q ve serem a 2B, però continuarem treballant, amb un projecte nou, fidels al nostre estil, i amb l’objectiu principal d preparar els nostres jugadors x quan el 1er equip els necessiti. Gràcies pel suport! FORÇA BARÇA
— Garcia Pimienta (@GarciaPimienta) May 28, 2018
He said: “We fought until the end, but it wasn’t to be... Next season we will be in Segunda B, but we will keep on working, with a new project, loyal to our style, with the main objective of preparing our players for when the first team needs them. FORÇA BARÇA.”
It’s been a tough year for Barcelona B but the appointment of Garcia Pimienta, who won the Uefa Youth League with the Juvenil A team in April, brings optimism that he can help develop the club’s youngsters.
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