Busquets seems unimpressed with lack of personal awards

Sergio Busquets has won and conquered just about every team accomplishment a footballer could imagine in his career. However, one of the things that seems to haunt him is the lack of personal recognition in his years at Barcelona.

Given he’s had to watch Lionel Messi and others at Barcelona target Ballon d’Or awards year after year I suppose you could say he feels the same disfranchisement that most midfielders have felt when it comes to large awards and not being recognized.

“I prefer team titles to individual [titles], although there have been years in which, honestly, I think I’ve earned them,” he said.

”When we won the Champions League, when we won the World Cup, the European Championships, I think I was a fundamental part.”

Sergio Busquets | Source

Solid defensive midfielders never seem to have a chance to win one of the prestigious individual awards. It’s a flawed system that seems to simply look at star power when it comes to winning them, and Busquets feels the pain.

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